Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lamb of God

Revalation 5; 1-14

Why is Jesus so awesome? He is the only one that can open the seals of a very important scroll that i have no idea about- but its very important for us in an important unknown way. God is both mighty and powerful like a lion but also innocent, pure, holy like a lamb. And cause of this all creation, the angels, the elders and all creation praises him=D

Revelation 6; 9-17

After Jesus opens the seal, there is joy and terror. It would be the end of the world and those that believe in Jesus and supported, have faith in him all the way will be happy and be with him in heaven. But those that won't believe will feel terrified and rather die then see himD=

I think what we need to do is to trust in Jesus, than on judgement day, we will be with Jesus and those who don't would be judged... I hope what I wrote here doesn't sound too arrogant and offend anyone...><" Hope I got the message through...ahaha

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Wise and Foolish Builders

Matthew 7; 24-29

Everytime I go to listen to talks, there are sometimes some really good ones like at Rice and KYCK, and I thinks God is really great and awesome, but after a little while, a week later, 2 days later, 2 hours later, I can't even remember what the talk is about. But after today's talk, it kinda reminded me of that, I can't only always just listen to the talk, but I also have to do what the talk says and try to put it into practice...that is gonna be soo hard><"

If I just listen to the talks and not do anything about it, I wouldn't have a good foundation of believing God, like a house built in sand, appears to be good, appear to be a pretty ok christian, but the house can easily fall over, I can easily give into peer pressure and stuff in the world when things gets tough. If I want a good foundation of Christianity I would have to put the stuff I learnt in the talks to practice, today in discussion group I realised I really don't do any of these things. If someone hits me, I do hit them back, I don't put God first, and I don't do anything the bible says. I guess I have to start trying harder now.....please pray for me that I do if you happen to read this=D

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Judging Others

Matthew 7: 1-6

Judging someone, means steoreotyping someone. People do that all the time looking at other's appearance and actions. But how can you feel arrogant, proud if you're doing the same thing as well? Before you start laughing at someone cause of what you can judge about them, look at yourself first, here's a cute example^^:

Yotsuba e.g. pg 1

Yotsuba e.g. pg 2
Yotsuba e.g. pg 3

Ahahha, in the end the girl couldn't swim either, that is why you don't laugh at people randomly cause you probably can't do it either...I think I'm just talking about weird crap now....
Anyways even if you can do something that the other person can't... here's an example..

Yotsuba e.g. pg 4
Yotsuba e.g. pg 5

Even if you're like Yotsuba and can do something, like swimming like the other people can't, you don't laugh in their faces and mock them, you kindly tell them they can't swim...and help them....ok this is just weird....I suck at explaining TT^TT

I hope that whoever you are who is so awesome and decides to read this, get what I'm trying to explain...sighh this is kinda FAIL. Ohh well, if you don't get it, go comment and ask random questions and I hope and can tell you stuff..

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Reason Why We're Alive.

Genesis 2;4-25

We are all alive cause God gave us our lives. God is like our Father, and really cares about us so we shouldn't commit suicide or anything even if things gets bad, cause God didn't create us to hurt ourselves.

When we feel that living is getting tiring, or boring and that it is very painful, we shouldn't just die like that, because that way we might miss out on whatever happiness we could have in the future. When something gets sad, just have a cry over it than forget about it and throw the burden away. There's lots of ways to do that like telling someone close to you, or just someone on the internet, we will feel so much better after that. And then just start from the beggining again. Noone can just live life without being hurt, and everytime we fall down, we just get up again.

But whenever things gets bad, it would be easier if we pray to God. We can pray to God anywhere, doens't have to be in a church, you can pray on the streets, in your room, and even in the toilets... and he will take care of us. Even if you don't believe in God, try praying once and then see what happens. Hope that this would help someone...=)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Treasure in Heaven

Matthew 6;19-34

Our treasure is what we spend out time, money and thoughts on, like for me it would be manga, dramas, art, and random asian stuff. But none of this will lasts forever. If we store our treasure, what we find most precious to us on earth it will rot away. It's also same with your looks, when you're young you're pretty and stuff and when you grow old, no matter how much anti-aging cream you put on, you're still going to go wrinkly. And things like money can easily be stolen as well, people would go bankrupt and lose all their money.

But if we store our treasure in heaven, it won't ever rot away, it won't ever be stolen, it would always be there, as long as we put God first^^ To put God first, we can spend our time on God, spend our money on God-like giving to charity, giving to church and spend our thoughts on God. Eeekk!! I don't think I do any of these><" But we can't spend half our money,time and thoughts on God and the other half on some other crap cause that's just being half-hearted. And that would meant that we aren't putting God first=(

I always think I need money, cause I need it for food, save up money for stuff like Fahrenheit cause I thought they were coming...TT^TT but we don't actually need thaaat much money, it's mostly for what we WANT and not what we NEED. God would look after us since he is a great and awesome God =D We just need to seek God's kingdom and his righteousness and then he will provide us with stuff.

We can seek his Kingdom and his righteousness by praying to him to help us, going to church to learn more about God=] and what matters is what your heart puts first, and just being sincere about God^^

Monday, November 16, 2009

Get Real...

Matthew 6; 1-18

When we do something like charity, we don't have to let everyone know that we are doing something for charity. Cause that's what hypocrites do, they do it so that everyone can see what they are doing and then they will get praises.

But giving money in public doesn't mean you are a hypocrite as long as you are sincere about it. When we do something for good, we should just always do it with our hearts and then we would feel good about it.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Love Your Enemies.

Matthew 5;38-48

If you don't know how to look up the bible, don't have one or just can't stuffed, here's the link=]

So if someon punches you in the face, most people would punch them back right?
But if you are a nice christian person you're not supposed to cause that's what God says, but most people still punch that person anyway- I prob would too><" In the passage it says you let them punch your other side of your face too, that person would be pretty surprised. Another example is, if someone breaks your computer, you let them break your other one too=D I don't really get this part though... Anyways, if someone kills your family... maybe not that extreme, say they wrong you in a way, like they punch your face, human nature would make you want to punch them back, but we can also not retaliate, and not even hate them for it, that would be really really hard though. But some people can do that. And you can show love for them by praying for them=) You can pray that they will change and that they will know God=) And thats it... so hope this was helpful, good in some way><"